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Hello my name is Paladin. And this is my home –

I am a a successful businessman and cultured bon vivant with a variety of skills and training. (And yes, I copied my name from the old TV series “Have Gun Will Travel”, Paladin being the gunfighter who solved people’s problems with his fists and gun. You can read about Paladin and “Have Gun Will Travel” on Wikipedia. and watch some old TV show HERE on YouTube if you Paladinwould like.)

But I’m no gun fighter – to the contrary,  my slogan is “Have Mind Will Travel”. 

And though I have been a top athlete (gymnastics and sports), I am also a bona fide member of MENSA (The High IQ society, for those who don’t know what it is). And consistently through all of my varied physical and mental talents is one trait that predominates. I am a researcher, and whatever I research – whether it be business, music, physical, health, mental, spiritual, or familial/social – I solve my personal problems through research.Paladin

On this site, which is mainly focused on health issues, I am going to share the benefits of my research with you. You won’t have to spend the thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours testing products personally, as I have done, to find out which work and which are just bogus advertising/marketing schemes with little or no value.


Everything on this site is the result of my personal investigation and testing the products on myself. Nothing on this site is intended to be medical advice in any way, so please always consult your doctor or health practitioner before implementing any of the things that have worked for me. But both you and your practitioner can be sure of one thing – all the products and/or routines on this site have worked for me and I will tell  you exactly how I used them and how you can get the products/routines yourself, and the cost. (Please also note that people are different – what works for me is not guaranteed to work for you, but I have given my solutions to a lot of friends and family and they usually work on other people about 90% of the time.)

Some of the topics you will find that I have researched and have found workable solutions for are:

  • Anti-Aging (I am 67 but most people think I am in my late 50’s. But more importantly, I don’t feel much different than I felt when I was a gymnast and 19 years old.)
  • Eyesight – I wore glasses all my life for near-sightedness. But at age 65 or so I found natural supplements that corrected my near-sightedness and I passed my driver’s license test at age 67 with “no glasses” required. Then when my close vision started waning at age 67, I found another product which corrected my close vision almost immediately.
  • Depression – in my 20s, I suffered from “lethargy” and “feeling down” on weekends. I discovered a simple natural vitamin which corrected my mood in as little as 20 minutes. Since then I have had no problem with lethargy or feeling down, and I have saved hundreds of friends from taking “psychiatric drugs” by educating them about this one simple vitamin.
  • Weight loss – in my 30s I gained 10 lbs that I didn’t want. As a gymnast I had been 5’9″ and 150 lbs of solid muscle since I was about 16. When I suddenly found myself with a fat butt at 160 lbs, I didn’t like it and did the research and lost the 10 lbs in 30 days and never have regained it. At age 67 I am still 150 lbs and have never hit that “160 lb” mark again in my entire life.
  • Strength – At age 65 I discovered a new natural antioxidant that immediately increased my strength three fold, and did pretty much the same for everyone I tested it on – even my 27 year old daughter.
  • Exercise – I am an ex-gymnast and I have been doing a “2 minute” exercise routine since I was in my forties. My friends would laugh when I told them I do “2 minutes a day”. But now years later science is proving what “gymnasts” like myself knew years ago: 2 minutes of  intense exercising is equivalent to 30 minutes or a hour of working out in the gym. Furthermore I do my 2 minutes in the privacy of my bedroom and save hours of traveling and work-out time at the gym.
  • Vigor – Well, there are dozens of products that can restore both physical and sexual vigor. You don’t need dangerous products like Viagra when there are plenty of natural alternatives.
  • Repetitive motion disorders – this is a big one, as many people, young and old, who perform routine tasks – like playing drums, or tennis, or simply typing for 30 years, or driving a car for 30 years, or holding a phone up to your ear for 10 years, etc. end up with a variety of conditions with names like carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, and trigger finger, etc. There are many conditions with no names as certain actions suddenly seem to create a lot of pain in the hands, forearms, arms, neck or shoulders as muscles seem to lock-up and prevent certain movements. Of course the “medicos” want to operate to handle these conditions but when it happened to me, I did the research and developed my own physical exercise routines to totally reverse these “repetitive motion” conditions whenever and wherever they happen.
  • Painful Bunions, Corns, Calluses and Cracked Heels –  In the last 5 years I have found new scientific discoveries that take the pain out of and stop painful bunion growth and reverse corns calluses and cracked heels in less than 30 days. My feet are painless and look like they did when I was in my 30s and 40s.
  • Allergies – I use to sneeze 60 times a day. Then at age 45 I found out the real reason behind allergies and found a natural routine that I would do once every two weeks for a few months and that eliminated my sneezing totally within 3 months. I redo the routine whenever I find my self starting to sneeze again – which is usually about once a year.
  • Energy alternatives – I hate coffee. Rots my gut (upsets my stomach), and if you take it for a while it works “less and less” and you need “more and more”… I found energy alternatives that are natural and work better than coffee.
  • Food Poisoning – how to handle in 20 minutes or so. Find out what I carry with me at all times when eating out. I have saved myself and dozens of people from food poisoning and other intestinal issues with these simple ingredients.
  • Radiation Emergencies – What ingredients you should have on hand in case of a radiation emergency such as occurred in Japan, and how to get rid of radiation in your system once exposed to it.
  • and more….much more…. join my site and you will get the benefits of all my research.

Welcome to The Carlton Hotel (dot info)!


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You will get unlimited access to free membership content (NOTE: you won’t get my research reports and recommendations of where to get products as a free member, but there will be enough information on the free site for you to choose whether you want to purchase a report or not. ALL of my reports come with an unconditional 60 day money back guarantee. If the report’s products/routines don’t work for you, you can request a refund anytime within 60 days and I will promptly give you a refund – no hassles.)

Price: Free!

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Monthly Subscription $9.99/month This entitles you to have access to all of my monthly reports from the last three months and the new report that will be published each month (There will be at least  one report published each month.) Monthly Subscriptions are entitled to download all my reports (which cost anywhere from $29.95 to $49.95) for their monthly subscription price

Yearly Subscription $99.99/year (while we are under construction there is a special price of only $49.95/year) This entitles you to have access to all monthly reports that were already published and all my reports that will be published during the year you have subscribed (There will be at least  one report published each month.) Yearly Subscriptions are entitled to download all my reports (which cost anywhere from $29.95 to $49.95) for their yearly subscription price.

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