Foot CareFree MembersHealthNews

Bunions! Corns! Cracked Heels! Painful Calluses! – Gone! Gone! Gone! Gone! – Within 30 Days Or Less!

That’s right, bunion pain, corn pain, ugly cracked heels, painful calluses can ALL be handled in 30 days or less….

I am not going to bore you with a long sales presentation, like so many are doing these days. AND I want you to know upfront I am NOT a Doctor, Podiatrist, Nutritional consultant or any other medically related professional.

I am just a regular guy like you.

What makes me different, however, is I am a researcher.

Bunion pain

And when I got my first bunion 5 years ago (on the side of my big toe joint on my left foot), I did the research and found out how to take away the pain and STOP its growth. I did it in 4 weeks, and for less than $100 and in the 5 years since then, I’ve buniononly had to repeat the solution (at no additional cost) twice for a few days – the last time about 2 years ago – and I have lived without bunion pain and the bunion did not get any bigger since then. ( In fact it even looks a little smaller and my toe has straightened out.)

[And when I got a second bunion on my other foot a few months ago, I applied the solution again (at no additional cost) and this time it took 2 days and the pain was gone. I may have to do the solution a few more times ( it is real easy, something you just tape over the bunion at night while  you are sleeping) and that will be it for bunion #2.]

Cracked Heels

Then I took on my cracked heels. There were lots of products to hydrate my cracked heels that somewhat worked. “O’Keef’s For Healthy Feet” is a fairly good product and there are many others. My problem was they were all very GREASY! I didn’t like the fact that after applying it I couldn’t walk on my floor or put my shoes on right away as the grease would rub off all over the place…. This sort of made me NOT apply the creams as often as I should, leaving my heels indeed CRACKED most of the time even though these products did help.

I  also didn’t like the fact that they weren’t really healing my cracked heels as when I went into the shower and my feet got wet (even though I had used the product the night before or a few hours before), when I came out of the shower, the deep cracks had opened up again… they weren’t really healed, just hidden.

I decided to do research again, and I found the ONE PRODUCT that was NOT greasy, and actually healed my cracked heels. It came with a 60 day no-risk money back guarantee and cost about $35 – I tried it and it began working immediately, I could see the benefit within a few days and it was not just hiding my cracked heels it was HEALING them! The cracks were going away from deep inside  my skin. 30 days later I had feet that looked 20 years younger!

Corn Pain

Then came the corn. I got a corn on the bottom of my foot and the corn pain was so bad that I had to limp and ultimately go to my dermatologist as at first I did not even know what it was (I was use to seeing corns on my grandmother’s feet when I was a little kid, but they were on the side of her toes and feet. Thiscorn was on the bottom of my foot.) The dermatologist explained that it was corn pain and cut off the callus and told me to put duct tape (yeah, duct tape) on the bottom of my foot for a while so the corn pain would not come back.

But it did come back, and I was almost at the point of limping again when I did the research and found the product that would make my corn pain go away and stay away. It took about 3 weeks but by the end of the third week I was not limping and my corn pain was gone (callus remained but it no longer hurt).

That’s it. That’s my story.

Bunion pain, corn pain, callus pain, cracked heels – gone gone gone in 30 days or less

As I said I am not going to bore you with a huge sales pitch.

But what I am going to do is give you the benefit of my research – for $39.95 I am going to send you a report and reveal the above foot care products that will work for you too. If you have BUNIONS, CORNS or CRACKED HEELS or CALLUSES, I guarantee you will love the products I reveal in my report. And when I say GUARANTEE – I mean that LITERALLY. If for any reason – NO QUESTIONS ASKED – you don’t love the products I reveal to you, and/or they don’t work for you – just request a refund within 60 days and I will refund the full cost of my report. Now these products worked for me in 30 or less, but you may be different. It may take 60 days or even 90 days, but if you don’t see improvement and are not satisfied with the report or products feel free to ask for a refund within 60 days.

Now PLEASE be FAIR with me. Don’t buy my report and one hour later ask for a refund then keep the information. Of course even if you do, we will honor the refund. I am 67 years old and should be retired, but like a lot of older Americans I have to keep working to pay the bills. And as I said I am a researcher, this is how I make my living and, in fact, for those of you who are interested there is a whole lot of other research I have done and will reveal from time to time if you simply join my site with a yearly membership.

And if you join my site with a yearly membership of only $49.95 a year (current price, while the site is new and under construction. Yearly membership will be $99.95 as soon as construction is finished – JOIN NOW!), You will get ALL my health related research reports I produce during the year for free. As I have said, I am 67 years old (but you wouldn’t know that looking at me. Most people think I am in my 50s ), so I am doing quite a bit of research on anti-aging and age associated problems. You won’t have to test dozens of BOGUS products to see what really works (if they work at all) I do all the testing and research for you. I have found natural cures for all kinds of ailments from fatigue, to problems with painful muscles from “repetitive motion syndrome” to poor eyesight.

Yeah, poor eyesight….that’s a good example. As I said I am 67 and I have worn glasses since I was 17, and was required to wear glasses on my driver’s license since I was 18. But this year at age 67 after taking a few supplements to improve my vision. I passed the eye test for the first time in my “driving life” and no longer have to wear glasses when I am driving. Now that’s for near sighted vision, and then a few months ago when my close up vision started to falter and get bad, I did the research again and I discovered another supplement to reverse my faltering close-up vision and I now can read close up things again too.

SO do yourself a favor and join my site and I will give you the following bonus offer. You can get my $39.95 report on bunions, corns, cracked heels and calluses and a ONE YEAR membership to my site for only $69.95. That is almost a $20 savings over buying both the report and membership separately.

Here is to your health.


Just the Report Please ($39.95)

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Report +  One Year Membership Please ($69.95)

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PS: Remember: Bunion pain, corn pain, cracked heels, callus pain – gone, gone, gone in 30 days or less.